Tuesday 24 November 2015


I DID IT! I was completely silent for a whole 96 hours (with very few minor slip ups), shocking, I know!

The first day and the last day were definitely the hardest, having to listen to my housemates talk about things and not being able to have an input killed me, I think it's safe to say that I went a bit crazy! Simple things like saying 'thank you' when shopping and 'excuse me' to people, were little things that bugged me the most!

A huge huge thank you to every single person who sponsored me, £577.74 was raised for East African Playgrounds, I am completely overwhelmed by the support and the efforts people will go to to make me be quiet!!

The moment that I could finally talk again!!

I know there is a few people who wanted to wait until I completed the challenge, so if you still want to donate my Just Giving page is: https://www.justgiving.com/Ellie-Waterer  


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