Friday 20 November 2015

My 84 HOUR Sponsored Silence!

I want to start by saying a HUGE thank you to absolutely everyone who has sponsored me, I am overwhelmed by everyone's support and donations.

An special thank you to my dad and everyone at Howard Tenens who have donated me a magnificent amount of money!!

Due to raising an amazing £484.24 in 10 days (which is 30% of my overall target!), my silence is now 84 hours long!

I have been silent now for a whole 17 hours and 42 minutes (who knew this was possible?) and it's safe to say that it has been a lot harder than I anticipated...
I faced my first challenge when in the shower this morning, I couldn't sing (that word is used loosely) Adele - Hello at the top of lungs like I do most mornings, so I had to sing in my head, which is no where near as fun!

I then went downstairs and could not engage in normal morning report with my housemates e.g. 'Good Morning! What lectures have you got today?', so awkward silence it was.

My 2 hour lecture was the next hurdle, I could not turn to my friend Matt and express how bored I was learning about Piaget for the hundredth time or ask him if he wanted to go to Spar afterwards, which of course Matt found hilarious so proceeded to laugh at me for the whole 2 hours!!!

Spar was the next challenge, having to nod over enthusiastically to show the poor cashier, that had no clue what was going on, that I did in fact need a bag for my milk, of course Matt was still laughing at me...

The rest of my day has been spent with my house mates loving the silence and me trying to distract myself in every way possible.

Once again a massive thank you to everyone who has donated, I am extremely grateful!

If you haven't donated but wish to you can through my Just Giving page:

This lovely photo was taken just 17 minutes in to the silence!


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