Friday 20 November 2015

Sponsored Silence!

There are many things people would do to shut me up, so why not ask people to donate to charity to shut me up!

I have decided bravely to organised a 36 HOUR sponsored silence to raise money for East African Playgrounds, I have 2 main rules:

  • If I slip up in any way I personally have to donate £5 to my Just Giving page (everytime)
  • I will also be silent on social media (I can only use social media to promote/blog about the sponsored silence)
  • **For every £100 donated an extra 12 HOURS will be added to the silence**

If you want help boost my silence any donations are welcome and will be very much appreciated!!
Donate through my Just Giving page:
Donate through text: 'EAPU80 £5' to 70070 (you can donate £1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 via text)


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